Gáspár is the creator and the main contributor of SpecFlow, regular conference speaker, blogger, editor of the BDD Addict monthly newsletter and co-author of the books „Discovery: Explore behaviour using examples“ and „Formulation: Express examples using Given/When/Then“. He is also an independent coach, trainer and test automation expert focusing on helping teams implementing BDD and SpecFlow. He has more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software development as he worked as an architect and agile developer coach.
A typical software delivery process is full of accidental domain discovery – even if the project follows agile practices. No matter how good specification are that you receive or how good your Product Owner is in explaining the User Story requirements; whenever you as a developer or a tester start working on the solution for real, new questions will arise. You need to go back to the Product Owner or try to answer them yourself based on assumptions. Accidental discovery.
Regardless of which agile software methodology you use, there is a time when you show the created solution to the business representatives to get feedback (like in Sprint Review meeting in Scrum). And the feedback is very rarely „Ship it!“, but more often asking for changes or clarifying misunderstandings. Accidental discovery again!
Accidental discovery causes longer story implementation cycles (Have you heard about „done done“?) and unnecessary rework. Waste. In this workshop, you will not only hear about deliberate discovery, specification by example, BDD and example mapping, but you will also have a chance to practice it.