TUTORIAL2A – Insights from children and exploratory testing exercise; how children who’ve read the Dragons Out book about software testing learn.

November 9, 2023 from 13:00 to 16:00

Speaker: Kari Kakkonen, Knowit (FI)

Kari is one of the most sought for agile testing trainers and consultants in Finland and abroad, and has particular skill in getting his audience to understand the software testing concepts and getting people inspired to thrive for better in their work. He is Treasurer of Finnish Software Testing Board (FiSTB), ISTQB Executive Committee member 2015-2021, board member of Finnish Association of Software Testers (Testausosy), former auditor of Robot Framework Foundation, and member of Agile Finland. He has been included in Finnish IT Week (Tietoviikko) as magazine’s 100 most influential people in IT 2010 –listing. Kari also published a software testing book for children and adults called Dragons Out a while back. Now it is available in English, French, and Polish while German and Hungarian translations are in progress. The book explains software testing in plain terms using an analogy to a full-blown fantasy story, featuring dragons, knights, and children who grow into knights.

The popular Dragons Out book about software testing is much liked. Schools have used the free supporting software testing presentation to organize a lesson or two to talk about software testing. Kari has interviewed children about how they learned software testing and what do they think about it. Now it is time to reveal the secrets of how children learn to test. There are also insights into how adults could learn in a much more effective and fun way. We will talk about storytelling as a way to learn but also of hands-on practice and fun as an essential learning element. Kari will also recap the Dragons Out book project. The second half of the training will be an exploratory testing workshop. We’ll use exploratory testing guidelines and test a startup-company software. It will be an interesting experience in trying out new software with exploratory mindset. What participants need to bring is just their own computers. We’ll use some checklists inspired by children in the Mural – a web-based software to aid our testing, and login to the startup company’s test environment through the browser.

  • Kari will reflect on how we can take insights from how children learn into how adults learn.
    • Use examples and analogies from real-life
    • Be extremely clear and concise
    • Hands-on, mostly exercises in the learning
    • Use all the senses (listen, see, talk, draw mindmaps)
    • Use common workspace for real-time status of testing (e.g. Mural, Miro)
    • Get your hands dirty and test some (buggy) software immediately & explain how you test it


PC or MAC or Smartphone