Martin AKA Furbo is a hardcore test automation evangelist with more than 10 years of experience in the field. Currently he is Testing platform lead at, he is also the founder of portal that provides courses in the area of SW testing. He also contributes to testing community by organzing QA meetups, as a lecturer for Aj Ty v IT or Learn 2code and many other activities such as QA slack.
Backend is an invisible yet powerful layer. It provides all the data for your mobile app or website. Let me take you on a journey, where you’ll learn how to communicate with backend and test it. We’ll start with REST as the most used type of API this time. Diving into the magical world of Harry Potter, creating spells by API calls, fetching information about characters using secret TOKENS will be just the beginning.
Plot twist! REST API has some issues and there is another, modern way. What is GraphQL and how to execute some basic requests? How to test GraphQL?