Corina is a Test and Automation Lead, with a focus on testing by means of Java, Selenium, TestNG, Spring, Maven, and other cool frameworks and tools. Previous endeavors from her 11+ years testing career include working on navigation devices, in the online gaming industry, in the aviation software and automotive industries. Apart from work, Corina is a testing blogger and a GitHub contributor. She is the creator of a wait based library for Selenium testing and creator of “The Little Tester” comic series. She also tweets at @imalittletester.
What really is the role of a tester? What activities can we perform on a daily basis, to help the company we work for achieve its goals? Should we focus only on finding and logging bugs? Or can we contribute with much, much more? Do we, as testers, see the whole picture, and are we as involved in the software development process as we could be? Do we shine and put in our best effort at work? In the opening Keynote of the conference „How Testers Add Value to the Organization. But also, to ourselves“, Corina will highlight how many activities we, as testers, can contribute and provide valuable input to. Our product experience, talent and our analytical thinking can help shape requirements, speed up delivery, improve customer experience or improve faulty processes. We can make a difference in how we achieve quality in an organization by getting more involved. And in turn, all of this will help in our personal development and in us being recognized as highly skilled, amazing professionals.