Playwright1 – Playwright basics in 180 minutes

September 19, 2024 from 9:00 to 12:00

Speaker: Martin Škarbala & Michal Banaš, (SK)

Martin AKA Furbo is a hardcore test automation evangelist with more than 11 years of experience in the field. Currently he is Testing platform lead at, he is also the founder of portal that provides courses and consultations in the area of SW testing and test automation (mainly in and Playwright). He also contributes to testing community by organzing QA meetups, as a lecturer for Aj Ty v IT or Learn 2code and many other activities such as QA discord.

Michal is a passionate QA Engineer with expertise in JavaScript and modern testing frameworks, especially Cypress and Playwright. He enjoys experimenting with new technologies, debugging complex issues, and ensuring websites function perfectly. When not hunting down bugs, you’ll find him with a cup of coffee, always eager to learn and improve.

Test automation has never been faster. With Playwright you can develop stable and resilient automated tests. In 180 minutes you will create a Playwright project from scratch, understand the basic principles and develop tests for real web page.

  • Agenda:
    1. Playwright installation
    2. Playwright architecture and fixtures
    3. Async await principle
    4. Autowaiting mechanism
    5. Developing tests for real web page
    6. Debugging
    7. Refactoring and optimisation of the automaiton code
    8. Running against multiple browsers
    9. Parallel running

  • Takeaways:
    • Creating a test automation project from scratch
    • Writing stable and fast automated tests
    • Test automation best practices

  • Target audience:
    • Manual testers that would like to start with test automation
    • Test automation engineers that are using or Selenium and would like to try a new tool